18th June 2022

Our multi-storied body.
Coming back “home”

A narrative walk towards our multi-storied bodies. That’s right, we are not going walking ‘out there’ but rather slowly walking towards our bodies to invite the community of our bodies to express their polyvocal experience – at least the ones that choose to participate in this particular gathering, at this particular time.

Poh and Yannis will guide you on a deeply rewarding journey starting by unscripting ourselves and moving out of the idea of our body as a single entity, by taking up a position with our bodies as multi-storied and experientially co-researching what may emerge through this nuanced, playful, feminist, and political practice. It is a gentle invitation to slow down and untangle the multiple simultaneous exchanges taking place between the members of our body finding language to articulate stories in a spirit of inclusivity and spaciousness for all voices to be welcomed in conversation.

When we grant full personhood status to the different members of our bodies we have the chance to experience what meaningful participation and democratic process can be within our multistoried bodies – when/why we have consensus and how we might both understand and respond in those times and experiences when consensus is not granted.